In our latest craziest claim, an overeager interviewee took rejection a bit too far. One of our clients, a sand and gravel hauler, was conducting interviews to fill an open position. After being denied employment, one potential applicant took it upon himself to demonstrate his eligibility. In his delusional haste to prove himself, he stole a set of dump truck keys from the office and proceeded to drive to a job site. While he was at the site, he raised the truck bed slightly and forgot to put it back down.
Satisfied that he had proven his worth, the scorned applicant hit the road to head back to the parking lot. However, while he was driving, the raised bed smacked into a bridge and took out the entire bottom. The bridge was completely shut down for two weeks. Moral of the story — lock up your vehicle keys when not in use.
Insurance claims involved: Auto for $500,0000