Challenge #1
Challenge #1
The widow of a Georgetown Insurance customer contacted us following the head-on auto collision that took her husband's life. The insurance carrier was reluctant to pay the family because, they argued, the driver was not at fault.
Acting as the principal facilitator, Georgetown Insurance pursued the carrier with dogged determination. The insurer ultimately paid the entire policy limit under the uninsured motorist section of the policy providing much needed financial relief to the widow and her two children.

Challenge #2
Challenge #2
A rapidly expanding landscaping operation contacted Georgetown Insurance because of difficulties they were having “connecting” with their existing insurance company. Certificates of insurance were not being issued on a timely basis… policy changes were not being processed… and phone calls were not being returned.
As an independent insurance agency, Georgetown Insurance makes sure that all clients’ needs are addressed in a timely manner. The landscapers now benefits from our highly personalized service and are assured concerns regarding their policies are addressed immediately… leaving them more time to concentrate on business development.

Challenge #3
Challenge #3
An employee of a Georgetown Insurance customer badly injured his leg the day before leaving for vacation. Waiting for their insurance carrier to expedite the claim could have ruined his family’s travel plans.
Georgetown Insurance took immediate action as intermediary between the insured and the carrier. We explained the urgency of the matter to the adjuster and pushed for a speedy resolution. A wheel chair was furnished that afternoon and our client and his family left for Florida as originally planned.

Challenge #4
Challenge #4
While the builder for a major Class A apartment building was excavating, the sheeting and shoring at the site started to shift due to a huge mass of marine clay soil. All work was halted for 30 days. The delays and costs to fix the problem could have jeopardized the entire project.
Fortunately, before placing the Builder’s Risk policy, Georgetown Insurance identified a provider that offered coverage for earth movement and underground property. We surveyed a half-dozen companies before recommending this particular policy to the client. The policy paid the cost of repairing the sheeting and shoring by installing additional tiebacks as well as the extra interest for the lost month… saving the insured over $600,000.

Challenge #5
Challenge #5
A sign manufacturing company was paying too much in insurance premiums because of an error in their Workers Compensation Experience Rating. The problem had gone unnoticed by their prior agent for three years.
After a review of the company’s policies, Georgetown Insurance caught the error and fixed the mistake. We revised the sign manufacturer’s Experience Modification saving them $8,000 on their current policy… and got back refunds for prior years totaling $18,000.

Challenge #6
Challenge #6
A sheet metal company received notification of a sharp rate increase just five days before the policy was due to expire. They needed immediate coverage to avoid paying obscene rates and doing business with a company with a questionable work ethic.
With the clock ticking, Georgetown Insurance met with the company owners immediately. We identified several areas where they were underinsured, negotiated a new insurance program, issued all 50 certificates of insurance prior to the expiration date… And ultimately saved them around $30,000.